- 48th Conference Ayurveda and Fertility
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- PCOS - A causative factor for female infertility - A Case Study - Dr. Seeta Biradar
PCOS - A causative factor for female infertility - A Case Study - Dr. Seeta Biradar
Dr. Seeta Biradar, BAMS, MS (Ayu), Karnataka, India - working as Professor & Head in dept. of Roganidana evum Vikrutivijanan in BLDEA'S AVS AYURVEDA MAHAVIDYALAYA ,Vijayapur, Karnataka, India. Presented many papers at National and International webinars. Guided 3 Undergraduate projects of RGUHS, Bangalore . Also participated in many seminars and workshops.
Topic: PCOS - A causative factor for female infertility - A Case Study
Abstract: Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome or PCOS is a hormonal condition which effects the females from menarche to menopause . shloka……stri being the root cause of progeny utmost case should be done,Pcod is one of the condition effecting this unique condition, and as the name suggests PCOS, collection of ovarian dysfunction. A female patient aged 30 yrs, married since 10 years ,k/c/o hypothyroidism since 6 years and was on regular treatment Tab Thyroxine 50mg,came to opd with c/o primary infertility with H/O Habitual abortions, and Irregular periods,was treated with the protocol Maharasnaadi kwatha Pushpadhanwarasa and Hingu with lukewarm water from 4th day of period for 10 days, and advised for follicle study on 10th day which revealed the presence of follicles measuring 6-8mm,and was advised to follow the pathya. follow up was done after 2months by repeating follicular study which revealed ……and successful ovulation was seen,which brought the happiness on the patient face, this case report boosts the Ayurveda practitioners to practice such complicated cases with confidence.
Key Words --PCOS, Primary infertility, Ayurveda.