Ayurvedic Practitioner Training
Online Webinar Faculty
Scope of practice
An individual who has obtained the Associate in Ayurvedic Medicine may provide guidance to individuals with imbalances. They construct health interventions through the traditional principles and practices of the Ayurvedic way of life. Their scope of practice emphasizes education on imbalances and on regaining wellness on all levels of being, using the modalities and philosophy of Ayurveda. They have completed the training of Level 1 with an additional education on theory and practice of critical thinking about pathophysiology and imbalances of the body. They utilize personalized diets, lifestyle coaching, yoga and meditation instruction, and the use of herbs and oils using an Ayurvedic approach.
Assessment tools used enable them to determine the Vikriti (imbalances) of an individual’s body and mind; they work to realign unbalanced states of the doshas, ama / agni, dhatus, and malas. They have formal educational training as a BA / BS, and have developed critical thinking skills over several years of training and evaluation from Ayurvedic experts.
This individual is the ideal person to visit to design tailored health routines and coach the client according to Ayurvedic principles. This individual does not practice conventional medicine. They do not diagnose or treat diseases.
Assessment tools used enable them to determine the Vikriti (imbalances) of an individual’s body and mind; they work to realign unbalanced states of the doshas, ama / agni, dhatus, and malas. They have formal educational training as a BA / BS, and have developed critical thinking skills over several years of training and evaluation from Ayurvedic experts.
This individual is the ideal person to visit to design tailored health routines and coach the client according to Ayurvedic principles. This individual does not practice conventional medicine. They do not diagnose or treat diseases.
Certified Ayurvedic Practitioner Training
Online Training and Hands-on Practicum Program
32 webinars, each 5 hours, total 160 hours
Time: 1:30 pm – 6:30 PM EST
7-days intensive clinical training in Pennsylvania
Tuition: $3500 includes tuition, webinars and practicum (including boarding and meals for practicum classes). Excludes travel expenses. Conference registration with meals, excludes travel and accommodation.
India Practicum – 14 days (2 weeks training)
Tuition - $2500 (single occupancy) includes tuition and practicum (including boarding and meals). Excludes travel expenses
Total Tuition: $3500 (USA Training) + $2500 (single occupancy) (India Training) = $6,000
Pre-requisite or Co-requisite: 6 Credit hours (15 hours X 6 credit hours = 90 hours) – Anatomy & Physiology course (take courses online / local community college)
Structure of the course and hours:
160 hours - Webinars 32 - Each 5 hours
100 hours - Client assessment and case presentation 50 - Each 2 hours
20 hours - Follow-up client assessment 20 - Each 1 hour
70 hours - Practical Hands-on Training 7 days - Each 10 hours at Ayurveda Wellness Center, 567 Thomas St. Coopersburg, Pennsylvania, USA
140 hours - Home Study - Each day 1 hour
150 hours - Projects, community outreach, Conference
150 hours - Q & A - About 100 questions
90 hours - Anatomy & Physiology - 6 Credits Online
120 hours - India Training – Clinical Training
Total Hours - 1000 Hours
Webinars – 5 hours each – 1:30 pm – 6:30 pm (EST)
Webinar 1 - Overview discussion of various aspects of Ayurvedic clinical management of illness
Webinar 2 - Vikriti Vignan – Ayurvedic Pathophysiology
Webinar 3 - Marma Therapy and clinical practice
Webinar 4 - Panchakarma Therapies
Webinar 5 - Dravyaguna Vignan Part 1 – Ayurvedic Materia Medica
Webinar 6 - Ayurvedic Pulse Analysis and clinical practice
Webinar 7 - Dravyaguna Vignan Part 2 – Herbs and clinical usage
Webinar 8 - Ayurvedic Clinical Protocols 1 – Pranavaha Srotas and their disorders and management.
Webinar 9 - Ayurvedic Clinical Protocols 2 – Annavaha Srotas and their disorders and management.
Webinar 10 - Ayurvedic Clinical Protocols – 3 Udakavaha Srotas and their disorders and management.
Webinar 11 - Ayurvedic Clinical Protocols 4 – Rasavaha Srotas and and their disorders and management.
Webinar 12 - Ayurvedic Clinical Protocols 5 – Raktavaha Srotas and their disorders and management.
Webinar 13 - Ayurvedic Clinical Protocols 6 – Mamsavaha Srotas and their disorders and clinical management.
Webinar 14 - Ayurvedic Clinical Protocols 7 –Medovaha Srotas and their disorders and clinical management
Webinar 15 - Ayurvedic Clinical Protocols 8 – Asthivaha Srotas and their disorders and clinical management.
Webinar 16 - Ayurvedic Clinical Protocols 9 –Majjavaha Srotas and their disorders and clinical management.
Webinar 17 - Ayurvedic Clinical Protocols 10 – Shukravaha Srotas and their disorders and management.
Webinar 18 - Ayurvedic Clinical Protocols 11 – Arthavavaha Srotas and their disorders and management.
Webinar 19 - Ayurvedic Clinical Protocols 12 –Sthanyavaha Srotas and their disorders and management.
Webinar 20 - Ayurvedic Clinical Protocols 13 – Purishavaha Srotas and their disorders and management.
Webinar 21 - Ayurvedic Clinical Protocols 14 –Swedavaha Srotas and their disorders and management.
Webinar 22 - Ayurvedic Clinical Protocols 15 –Mutravaha Srotas and their disorders and management.
Webinar 23 - Ayurvedic Clinical Protocols 16 – Manovaha Srotas Disorders.
Webinar 24 - Ayurvedic Clinical Protocols 17 – Ayurveda and Cancer Care.
Webinar 25 - Ayurvedic Clinical Protocols 18 – Bhaishajya Kalpana – Herbal Compound Preparations.
Webinar 26 - Ayurvedic Clinical Protocols 19 – Rasa Kalpana - Alchemy – Mineral Preparations.
Webinar 27 - Ayurvedic Clinical Protocols 20 – Ear Disorders and their management
Webinar 28 - Ayurvedic Clinical Protocols 21 – Nose Disorders and their management
Webinar 29 - Ayurvedic Clinical Protocols 22 - Throat disorders and their management
Webinar 30 - Ayurvedic Clinical Protocols 23 – Eye disorders and their managemen
Webinar 31 - Ayurvedic Clinical Protocols 24 - Ayurveda and Immunological Disorders
Webinar 32 - Discussion various aspects of business and practical clinical tips for establishment of successful certified ayurvedic practitioner
Note: The webinar topics are subject to change.
Reference and Study Books -
1. Text book of Ayurveda - Volume 2 - Dr. Vasant Lad
2. Ayurveda & Pancha Karma - Dr. Sunil Joshi
3. Ayurveda & Mind - Dr. David Frawley
4. Ayurvedic Herbs - Dr. Virender Sodhi
Online Training and Hands-on Practicum Program
32 webinars, each 5 hours, total 160 hours
Time: 1:30 pm – 6:30 PM EST
7-days intensive clinical training in Pennsylvania
Tuition: $3500 includes tuition, webinars and practicum (including boarding and meals for practicum classes). Excludes travel expenses. Conference registration with meals, excludes travel and accommodation.
India Practicum – 14 days (2 weeks training)
Tuition - $2500 (single occupancy) includes tuition and practicum (including boarding and meals). Excludes travel expenses
Total Tuition: $3500 (USA Training) + $2500 (single occupancy) (India Training) = $6,000
Pre-requisite or Co-requisite: 6 Credit hours (15 hours X 6 credit hours = 90 hours) – Anatomy & Physiology course (take courses online / local community college)
Structure of the course and hours:
160 hours - Webinars 32 - Each 5 hours
100 hours - Client assessment and case presentation 50 - Each 2 hours
20 hours - Follow-up client assessment 20 - Each 1 hour
70 hours - Practical Hands-on Training 7 days - Each 10 hours at Ayurveda Wellness Center, 567 Thomas St. Coopersburg, Pennsylvania, USA
140 hours - Home Study - Each day 1 hour
150 hours - Projects, community outreach, Conference
150 hours - Q & A - About 100 questions
90 hours - Anatomy & Physiology - 6 Credits Online
120 hours - India Training – Clinical Training
Total Hours - 1000 Hours
Webinars – 5 hours each – 1:30 pm – 6:30 pm (EST)
Webinar 1 - Overview discussion of various aspects of Ayurvedic clinical management of illness
Webinar 2 - Vikriti Vignan – Ayurvedic Pathophysiology
Webinar 3 - Marma Therapy and clinical practice
Webinar 4 - Panchakarma Therapies
Webinar 5 - Dravyaguna Vignan Part 1 – Ayurvedic Materia Medica
Webinar 6 - Ayurvedic Pulse Analysis and clinical practice
Webinar 7 - Dravyaguna Vignan Part 2 – Herbs and clinical usage
Webinar 8 - Ayurvedic Clinical Protocols 1 – Pranavaha Srotas and their disorders and management.
Webinar 9 - Ayurvedic Clinical Protocols 2 – Annavaha Srotas and their disorders and management.
Webinar 10 - Ayurvedic Clinical Protocols – 3 Udakavaha Srotas and their disorders and management.
Webinar 11 - Ayurvedic Clinical Protocols 4 – Rasavaha Srotas and and their disorders and management.
Webinar 12 - Ayurvedic Clinical Protocols 5 – Raktavaha Srotas and their disorders and management.
Webinar 13 - Ayurvedic Clinical Protocols 6 – Mamsavaha Srotas and their disorders and clinical management.
Webinar 14 - Ayurvedic Clinical Protocols 7 –Medovaha Srotas and their disorders and clinical management
Webinar 15 - Ayurvedic Clinical Protocols 8 – Asthivaha Srotas and their disorders and clinical management.
Webinar 16 - Ayurvedic Clinical Protocols 9 –Majjavaha Srotas and their disorders and clinical management.
Webinar 17 - Ayurvedic Clinical Protocols 10 – Shukravaha Srotas and their disorders and management.
Webinar 18 - Ayurvedic Clinical Protocols 11 – Arthavavaha Srotas and their disorders and management.
Webinar 19 - Ayurvedic Clinical Protocols 12 –Sthanyavaha Srotas and their disorders and management.
Webinar 20 - Ayurvedic Clinical Protocols 13 – Purishavaha Srotas and their disorders and management.
Webinar 21 - Ayurvedic Clinical Protocols 14 –Swedavaha Srotas and their disorders and management.
Webinar 22 - Ayurvedic Clinical Protocols 15 –Mutravaha Srotas and their disorders and management.
Webinar 23 - Ayurvedic Clinical Protocols 16 – Manovaha Srotas Disorders.
Webinar 24 - Ayurvedic Clinical Protocols 17 – Ayurveda and Cancer Care.
Webinar 25 - Ayurvedic Clinical Protocols 18 – Bhaishajya Kalpana – Herbal Compound Preparations.
Webinar 26 - Ayurvedic Clinical Protocols 19 – Rasa Kalpana - Alchemy – Mineral Preparations.
Webinar 27 - Ayurvedic Clinical Protocols 20 – Ear Disorders and their management
Webinar 28 - Ayurvedic Clinical Protocols 21 – Nose Disorders and their management
Webinar 29 - Ayurvedic Clinical Protocols 22 - Throat disorders and their management
Webinar 30 - Ayurvedic Clinical Protocols 23 – Eye disorders and their managemen
Webinar 31 - Ayurvedic Clinical Protocols 24 - Ayurveda and Immunological Disorders
Webinar 32 - Discussion various aspects of business and practical clinical tips for establishment of successful certified ayurvedic practitioner
Note: The webinar topics are subject to change.
Reference and Study Books -
1. Text book of Ayurveda - Volume 2 - Dr. Vasant Lad
2. Ayurveda & Pancha Karma - Dr. Sunil Joshi
3. Ayurveda & Mind - Dr. David Frawley
4. Ayurvedic Herbs - Dr. Virender Sodhi