- 46th Conference Ayurveda and Thyroid Care
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- Subclinical hypothyroidism in children – clinical experiences through Ayurveda - Dr. Snehalata Dornala
Subclinical hypothyroidism in children – clinical experiences through Ayurveda - Dr. Snehalata Dornala
Dr. Snehalatha Dornala, BAMS, MD-Ayu, PhD-Ayu, New Delhi, India - is currently working as professor and head of department at VYDS Ayurved Mahavidyalay khurja, UP completed her PG and Ph D from National institute of Ayurveda Jaipur and also did her post graduate diploma in child rights law from National law school of india University benguluru. Received Ayurvisharada award, Best paper awards and also She has received Kashyapa Award for Excellence in Ayurvedic teaching in by AAPNA in 2015. She is instrumental in developing course healthy happy mother and baby programme for Maharishi european research institute Netherlands.She also developed vocational and para medical course cirricullum for National institute of open schooling, ministry of HRD. she is visiting professor at MERU switzerland & USA. She authored 4 books. She is having 18 yrs of clinical experience in dealing with different health issues related to children. She is guide for post graduate students. Her area of specialization are preventive medicine, Nutrition and children.
Topic: Subclinical hypothyroidism in children – clinical experiences through Ayurveda
Abstract: Subclinical hypothyroidism (SH) is defined as serum TSH levels higher than 10mIU/L in the presence of normal T4 levels. It is often benign and become quite common problem in children. Though current data indicates that children with mild SH have normal linear growth and intellectual outcome; close progressive monitoring is essential in order to avoid childhood onset of adult diseases. The major concern of SH in children is to identify the causative factors responsible for irregular synthesis of Thyroid hormone. Children are normally presenting with Fluctuating doshic equilibrium, immatured framework of dhatu, Immatured functioning of agni, not fully established gut microbiome & immune system, high demand for crucial growth & development. Their basal metabolic rate is higher than adults; Exposure to unnatural dietary and lifestyle habits in childhood will imbalance their AGNI leading to subclinical hypothyroidism. The aim of this paper is to present my clinical observations and experiences of case series of SH by Ayurvedic therapy.