- Clinical Ayurveda
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- Non-surgical ayurvedic management of Subcutaneous Lipoma - Dr. K.R. Narayan
Non-surgical ayurvedic management of Subcutaneous Lipoma - Dr. K.R. Narayan
Dr. K.R. Narayan, BAMS, MS-Ayu, PhD-Ayu (Scholar), Karnataka, India - is an ayurvedic surgeon from Bengaluru. Completed his Bachelor’s degree from Ramakrishna Ayurvedic medical college hospital & research center, Bengaluru, then completed his Masters in General Surgery (Shalya Tantra) from Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya, Hubballi and at present pursuing his PhD from the same research center at Hubballi. He is also a Fellow of The Academy of General Education, Manipal Karnataka. He secured university 8th rank in Shalya Tantra post graduation exam conducted by Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences in the year 2019. He has gained vast clinical experience by working under Ayurveda experts from different parts of the country and is specialized in ayurvedic ano-rectal surgery, panchakarma and Marma chikitsa. Dr. Narayan is an avid blogger and has published many articles in national and International journals. He has a keen interest in the field of research and has participated in many research activities. He is the recipient of “Innovative Scientist of the Year” award, for his work on Subcutaneous Lipoma in the year 2019 by International Journal of Research Under Literal Access, in association with World research council and United medical council. At present he is working as an Assistant Professor in the department of Shalya Tantra in Sri Paripoorna Sanathana Ayurveda Medical College and Hospital, Bengaluru and also as a consultant at Institute of Integrated Ancient Healing Systems, Bengaluru and at Ayurcentral, Bengaluru, India
Topic: Non-surgical ayurvedic management of Subcutaneous Lipoma - An experimental study
Abstract: Āyurveda is a holistic science that aims to show the right path to attain puruṣarthās. The medium through which these puruṣarthās can be attained is a health body and mind. A person can only be called healthy if he possesses a healthy body along with a healthy mind. Diseases affecting the body invariably affects the mind & vice versa and results in ill-health of the patient. One best example of such a disease is Medaja granthi i.e Lipoma. Even though a physical disease i.e mainly affecting the body, it also affects the mind as it results in cosmetic disfigurement of the body, especially for women when lipoma is located over the exposed body parts like arms, forearms, neck or face. Due to beauty-related issues the social stigma associated with this may lead to anxiety, inferiority complex, and also severe depression in long-standing cases. The most accepted conventional line of treatment of lipoma in contemporary science is surgical excision of the swelling which is limited by the risk of scarring and recurrence. Āyurveda provides solutions to various ailments where contemporary science fails to give a permanent cure, provided the condition is properly understood as per the classics and treated as per the classical line of treatment given by our ācharyas. With the same intention, the present experimental study was taken up to dig out a permanent solution from our ayurvedic classics to treat subcutaneous lipoma.