- 32 Int. Conf. Autoimmune & Metabolic Disorders
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- Ayurveda for Diabetes - Catch them Young - Dr. Jyothi Shirodkar
Ayurveda for Diabetes - Catch them Young - Dr. Jyothi Shirodkar
Jyoti Shirodkarm BAMS, MD-Ayu, PhD-Ayurved; B.A.(Sanskrit), Practicing Ayurvedic physician(23 years), Researcher in Ayurved & Diabetology (Recipient of Young Women Scientist Fellowship from Department of Science and technology, Govt. of India), Member, National core committee of 7 members, Ministry of AYUSH, which formed a National Protocol on “Ayurveda for Diabetes” in 2016, Ayurveda Consultant for Diabetes, Seth Tarachand Ramnath Ayurvedic Hospital, Pune, Founder Director “Dr. Shirodkar’s Health Solutions Private Ltd.”, a manufacturer of clinically proven therapeutic & internationally patented food products. Member, Technical Advisory Board, National Agricultural and Food Analysis and Research Institute (NAFARI), Pune, Honorary Associate Professor, Tilak Ayurved Mahavidyalay, Pune, Guest speaker in national and international conferences, Faculty for advanced Ayurvedic course for the students of European Academy of Ayurved, Publications: A)Research papers, scientific articles in various Ayurvedic national and international journals B) Articles on Health and Ayurveda in local newspapers for public.
Topic: Ayurveda for Diabetes - Catch them Young
In view of exponentially growing epidemic of Diabetes, it becomes necessary to diagnose it at the earliest and evolve different treatment strategies. Ayurved has described “Prameha”, whose signs and symptoms match with Diabetes. The basic derangement is in medadhatu (body fats), which can be seen much before the actual manifestation of diabetes. The signs of deranged medadhatu are disproportionate body (Ninditani) and prodromal signs of Prameha (Prameha poorvaroopa). We did Anguli-Parimana Study (measurement of different body-parts) and Prameha Poorvaroopa Study to assess Meda Dhatu Dushti and associated them with adiposity and metabolic-endocrine parameters of diabetes in non-diabetic young population. Further research led to formulation therapeutic food products (internationally patented) for diabetes and obesity. After testing their nutritional contents and glycemic index, clinical trials were carried out in diabetic patients. These studies led us to understand Ayurvedic perspective of diabetes prevention/reversal/management, which goes beyond just blood glucose control.